Volvo Auto India announced the launch of the S60 T6 petrol in India. The new S60 will be available in T6petrol, Automatic8-Speed FWD with 306HP and a whopping 400Nm torque. Priced at Rs. 42 lakhs (Ex-showroom, Delhi/ NCR), the Volvo S60 T6Petrol will be retailed through Volvo dealerships across the country from now.The new Artemis Cars showroom in Chennai is owned by Ms Nrithya Shetty and Mr. Sivaganesh Balasubramaniam. Located on the Anna Salai Main Road, Teynampet, Chennai, this stand-alone luxury retail experience is spread over an area of 4600 sqft having a true Scandinavian ambiance. It is a modern and contemporary looking showroom having an ‘inviting interior design’ speaking of the new Volvo’s Retail Experience concept, with a ‘Cool on the outside’ and ‘Warm on the inside’ feel.
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Tom von Bonsdorff, Managing Director, Volvo Auto India said,” India is one of the fastest growing markets for Volvo. An array of recent launches – XC90, V40 Cross Country Petrol, V40 and now S60 T6 Petrol will add a positive thrust to the brand presence in India. The Volvo S60 is a beautifully balanced combination of dynamism, style and comfort. I look forward to further strengthening Volvo car’s presence here.We are happy to bring the new Volvo Retail Experience with our new dealer in Chennai. VAI is confident of expanding its market share and creating more patrons for its brand.”
Volvo’s Brand Philosophy:
‘Designed Around You’ is the brands translation of going an extra mile to understand customers better. This human-centric approach enables Volvo Cars to know the pulse of the customers and gauge what they desire in a product. With this thought the brand places the customer at the heart of its design. Every Volvo car boasts of cutting-edge technology with engineering that is executed around human values.