Arjun Das is all set to play the lead in director Vasanthabalan’s upcoming film. The actor, who made an impression with his performances in Kaithi and Master, will be seen as a powerful character in the film. The film will be produced by Vasanthabalan under the banner of UBoyz Studios.
Arjun Das tweeted, “Looking forward to this new journey, learning with @Vasantabalan1Sir & team. Need all your blessings & prayers.”
Looking forward to this new journey, learning with @Vasantabalan1 Sir & team. Need all your blessings & prayers.
— Arjun Das (@iam_arjundas) February 12, 2021
The pre-production work of the film is currently in progress and the team is deciding on the supporting actors. Vasanthabalan is said to be remaking the 2019 release The Lift Boy with Arjun.