Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli share the first picture of their baby. After their daughter’s birth last month, the couple shared a picture of her for the first time and revealed that they have named her Vamika. “We have lived together with love, presence, and gratitude as a way of life but this little one, Vamika has taken it to a whole new level! Tears, laughter, worry, bliss – emotions that have been experienced in a span of minutes sometimes. Sleep is elusive but our hearts are so full. Thanking you all for your wishes, prayers, and good energy,” Anushka Sharma wrote posting a picture with Virat and Vamika.
Last month, Virat Kohli announced the news of his daughter’s birth on social media. In a note thanking his fans, the cricketer also requested for their family’s privacy at the moment.
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli after dating for several years, the couple got married in a private ceremony in Tuscany, Italy in the year 2017. They announced their pregnancy in August last year.