Amazon Prime Video is expanding its India slate of original series. The platform has announced the greenlighting of more than 20 new and returning Prime Original Series to go into production in the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, India, Japan, and Mexico, read a statement from the service provider. For the Indian market, the platform has announced six new series and returning series.
There is “Bandish Bandits”, a musical directed by Anand Tiwari and written by Amritpal Singh Bindra. It is a love story between Indian classical singer Radhe and pop star Tamanna. Another one is “The Last Hour” helmed by Amit Kumar with Oscar-winning director Asif Kapadia acting as an executive producer. The crime thriller will come with a supernatural twist.
There is also one untitled drama thriller series created by Sudip Sharma highlighting Indian politics. The series will go into production this month; another Indian Prime Original series will be directed by “Sultan” director Ali Abbas Zafar. It will explore the dark corners of Indian politics, and will go into production in March this year. A reality series is also in the pipeline. The show, created and hosted by comedian Sapan Verma, will bring together a stand-up comedian and a celebrity as they explore the celebrity’s life, discuss moments they found funny while the comedian guides the celebrity to write a comedy set for the first time.
In the regional segment, they will also come out with “Comicstaan” in Tamil. Hit series “Breathe” and “Mirzapur” will be returning with a new chapter. Amazon is delighted to announce the commissioning of more than 20 new and returning series, to be produced in seven countries across three continents around the world. They are committed to amplifying the voices of storytellers from all over the world and to bring their visions to life for our viewers worldwide.