After wrapping up a two-week schedule of Pushpa in Kerala, Allu Arjun jetted off to the Maldives along with his family and friends to celebrate the seventh birthday of his son, Allu Ayaan. the celebrity group lodged into a swanky sea-facing resort on the exotic island. They spent some quality time over the weekend and indulged in several relaxing activities. Photos and videos from the foreign holiday took the internet by storm.
Sharing an adorable picture of his son cutting the birthday cake, Allu Arjun took to social media and penned a heartfelt wish which read “Many many happy returns of the day to my sweetest baby babu Ayaan. Your the love of my life. Wish u many more beautiful years to come. Love Nana. #alluayaan #allufamily”
Allu Arjun also snapped a picture while the little one was taking a stroll on the seashore in a beautiful yellow dress. He captioned the post as “My Lil Angel.”