Aishwarya Rajesh took a much-needed break from her work and took some time off for herself. The actress is holidaying in Maldives with her family for the last couple of days. She has been sharing some lovely photos of her by the beach, and enjoying hearty meals in this relaxed holiday.
While she had uploaded a video of her flying in a sea plane in Maldives, the actress now shared a video of her trying her hands at jet-skiing. She posted the video of her doing jet skiing and captioned it saying, “One of the reasons I chose the Maldives for my vacation is to ride on a seaplane! Imagine 30 mins of pure bliss and semma scenic view from the seaplane of the small Maldives resort islands. It was worth it and as I imagined! The start has been awesome thanks to- you are the best seaplane transfer in all of Maldives.”
Looks like Aishwarya is having a whale of time enjoying the sun, sand and the beach in Maldives. She had also posted a picture of her enjoying the sunset and added, “Sunsets in Maldives are truly magical. I had a fun time relaxing and unwinding looking at the magical shades of sun fall into the blue waters. The experience has been wonderful and a much needed one for me. One must visit the Maldives at least once.”