Tamil actress Yashika Anand met with an accident on the East Coast Road near Mahabalipuram on Saturday night. She was travelling with friends when their car rammed into a divider and then fell into a nearby pit. Police said that Yashika was driving the car at the time of the accident and she has been booked.
Reports state that one of her friends died on the spot. According to onlookers, the car was going at a high speed and suddenly lost control leading to the accident.
The public rushed to their rescue but could not save her friend Bhavani as she was stuck inside the car.
Bhavani died on the way to the hospital and her body has been taken for a post mortem to the Government Chengalpattu hospital.Yashika has sustained grievous injuries and has been shifted to a private hospital.
Police have not stated if Yashika was drunk but have booked her under Sections 279 (rash driving, 337 (causing hurt by an act that endangers the life or personal liberty of others) and 304A (causing death by negligence) of the IPC.