Teach For Change hosted a gala in Bengaluru last evening, where prominent socialites and some well-known South Indian cine stars walked the ramp for a cause. Dressed in elaborate sarees from Hyderabadi designer Sailesh Singhania’s Thakurain collection, bedecked in dazzling jewellery by Arnav, the city’s pretty fashionistas draped in elaborate styles by a team of top-notch stylists sashayed down the ramp to cat-calls and cheers.
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When it was time for the stars to take the ramp, fans could be seen vying for a glimpse of pretty Regina Cassandra, Parvathy Nair, Sanjana Galrani, Rajshri Ponnappa, Teena Ponnappa, Aishany Shetty and others.
The nobel cause, spearheaded by young Chaitanya MRSK of Hyderabad and supported by Dr Shuba Dharmana’s Le Juene Spa and Hairtransplant Centre, was well received by the city’s glitterati, many of who pledged to support the organisation with time and effort.