
Phoenix MarketCity, offering the perfect blend for shopping, dining and live entertainment in Chennai hosted a highly energizing event of comedy, presented by three famed comedians – Abish Matthew, Kanan Gill and Kenneth Sebastian.  Being treated to an altogether different experience, the audience was spellbound with the high octane buzz and the enthusiasm of the trio.

Abish Matthew debuting for the first time in Chennai had the audiences’ undivided attention with his quirkiness and quips.  His act ‘Son of Abish The Express’ brought out the best of all this shows weaving in some elements of observational comedy. His clever quips, witty mimicry gave Chennaiites a laugh of a lifetime!

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Soon after that, celebrated comedians Kenneth Sebastian and Kanan Gill wowed the audience with their incredible energy and overt expressiveness. Their ‘Sketchy behavior’ act kept the audience in perpetual laughter. It proved to be a perfect weekend at Phoenix MarketCity as the visitors were treated to some vivid shades of comedy.

Speaking on this occasion Kannan Gill said” We know that Chennai has a very active theater going audience, so it was fun performing our brand of sketch comedy. Also we haven’t done Sketchy in a while, so we were really looking forward to step back into our sketch comedy shows”.

Kenneth Sebastian said”, Chennai is one city I have hardly performed in and it has a very hardcore comedy audience, Sketchy behavior is one of the first shows Kanan and I wrote and we were excited to bring this to the lovely city of Chennai”.

Mr. Noel Vessaoker, Center Director, Phoenix Marketcity, Chennai said “We at Phoenix Marketcity have strived to give our shoppers an experience that they would never forget. We hope that this Standup Comedy bonanza would be a wonderful way to spend the weekend. Our mission is to create a forum for people to experience the comedic expression of the country’s best comics and most importantly to entertain the patrons of the mall”.



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