The Jaguar RITZ Excellence Awards ceremony wowed Coimbatore with style, class and panache. Marking the launch of the new Jaguar XF Aerosport and the unveiling of the Coimbatore Special Edition of RITZ featuring the fastest Indian in the world Narain Karthikeyan and eminent industrialist and art connoisseur Rajshree Pathy the awards ceremony was interspersed with a scintillating fashion show featuring garments from Vrissa and Anavila retailed out of Amethyst, showcasing stunning jewellery by Bharathi Raviprakash of Studio Tara. Awardees included Narain Karthikeyan, actor-producer-music director GV Prakash Kumar, Rajshree Pathy, eminent Ghatam exponent Padma Bhushan Vikku Vinayakram, N Chandran of Eastman Clothing, Soundararajan of Suguna Holdings, J Anand of Jayem Automotives, Vanitha Mohan of Siruthuli and edupreneurs Shanakar Vanavarayar and Anusha Ravi.
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Audiences were mesmerised by the ghatam performance of Padma Bhushan Vikku Vinayakram and the event was acknowledged to be one of the finest events in Coimbatore’s social calendar.