Between God and Chance: My 55-Year Odyssey
By Justice N.Anand Venkatesh


As I walked my dog, the wand holding him close, a sudden thought struck me. There’s an invisible wand around my own neck, guiding my entire life journey. This unseen force has been with me through everything—bringing me joy, sorrow, challenges, and unexpected moments.

If I call this force “God”, the atheists won’t be happy. If I name it “nature” or “self-effort”, the religious people might feel uncomfortable. If I use a scientific term, the rational thinkers might feel satisfied. But the real truth is much simpler.

Looking back at my 55 years, I see a mix of things that have brought me to this exact moment. Some experiences were like beautiful flowers, some were like hard stones thrown my way. But each experience shaped me.

This invisible guide isn’t something I can easily explain. It’s not just luck, not just hard work, not just destiny. It’s something in between—a mysterious dance of choices, chances, and something larger than myself.

Every step I’ve taken, every decision I’ve made, has been like a brushstroke on a big canvas. Sometimes I was painting, sometimes the brush was painting me. Sometimes I was driving, sometimes I was being driven.

My life has been a journey of learning. Each challenge taught me something. Each happy moment celebrated my existence. The invisible wand didn’t control me completely, but it definitely guided me.

Unseen friend walking beside me,
Guiding my steps quietly,
Through happy days and tough times too,
Creating a path that’s uniquely true.

No name can capture your magic way,
How you’ve been with me day by day,
Helping me grow, helping me see,
The beautiful story of just being me.

Where am I going next? I don’t know exactly. But I’m excited to find out. This invisible wand continues to guide me, showing me that life is not about knowing everything, but about enjoying the journey.

My 55 years have taught me one thing: Life is a beautiful mystery. And I’m grateful to be living it.

Justice N.Anand Venkatesh is a Judge at the Madras High Court



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