Meghana Raj and Chiranjeevi Sarja’s son, fondly known as Jr Chiru or Junior C, turned five months old recently. He received a Lion King-themed cake from one of Meghana’s friends. Jr Chiru had a quiet celebration at his home with Meghana and her parents. Meghana shared a video of the cake on her Instagram page. She also added that she met her friends Vidhyashri Rao and Sharadha Ramesh. She wrote, “Thank u @bakeadelight_studio for such a delightful surprise for Jr C! Mommy to be @vidhyashrirao and new mommy me just love love these cakes! #JrCcompletes5months.”
Meghana Raj was blessed with a baby boy on October 22, 2020, at a private hospital in Bengaluru. Chiranjeevi Sarja passed away on June 7, 2020, five months before the birth of his first child.