Rajinikanth had driven his Lamborghini to meet his second daughter Soundarya, son-in-law Vishagan Vanangamudi and grandson Ved Krishna. The photo of Rajnikanth along with her daughter Soundarya, son-in-law Vishagan Vanangamudi and grandson Ved Krishna surfaced on the internet and went viral. Superstar looks cool as he drives the Lamborghini and all his fans went gaga over the pictures.
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Ved Krisha was born to Soundarya and her divorced first husband Ashwin Ramkumar whom she married in 2010. Soundarya then tied the knot with Vishakan Vanangamudi in 2019.
For the unaware, Soundarya directed Rajinikanth in the 2014 animation film Kochadaiyaan that also starred Deepika Padukone. Rajnikanth’s upcoming film is Annaththe with director Siva and produced by Sun Pictures.