Yesteryear actress Vanitha Vijayakumar will tie the knot with fiance Peter Paul, a filmmaker by profession. The wedding will be a low-key ceremony at their home at 4 pm on June 27 in the presence of close friends and family members. Vanitha added that she will follow the government norms during her wedding. Vanitha has revealed that she met her fiance Peter Paul and fell head over heels. What seems to have started off as a friendship soon grew into love and has now resulted in marriage.
Vanitha in her statement said, “I truly believe everyone deserves a chance in love even after all the bitter experiences in my life deep inside I believed in the institution of marriage. When two people love each other, it’s the beginning of a relationship. But when they decide to marry, it’s a celebration of their life together and an announcement of their serious commitment to the world. I am nearing 40 this year and this covid19 pandemic, and the extended lockdown has given a lot of clarity our lives and taught us of our priorities. For me, these 4 months have been a roller coaster of emotions, ups & downs, thrills & shrills. Every girl has a dream of finding her perfect man and my dream turn into a reality.”
Talking about her fiance, Peter Paul, Vanitha said, “He walked out of my dream into my life. He filled the void I never knew existed. Surprisingly I felt secure and complete around him. He stepped in as a friend and helped me when I was lost without any technical help and support for my YouTube channel during the lockdown. He made things happen in such a way that I was at ease, so calm, stress-free, and felt taken care of. You all know my children have been my priority always. When he asked for my hand in marriage I was speechless. (Deep inside I was screaming yes though) I told him my children need to approve. And when he spoke to them they screamed yes. Tears welled my eyes when my daughter’s said this was the best thing that has happened to me and they want him in their lives as well. Being a single mother was not what I asked for or achieved. It has been a long lonely painful struggle all through. Especially when there is no help or support from my “so-called family”.
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“I have lived my life pleasing everyone around me which in due course made me take decisions out of fear and confusion. For once I have decided to live my life for myself and do what makes me happy. Live life to the fullest and have someone solid to hold my hand forever as I grow older,” she added. “My sincere and heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of u who stood by me supported me and encouraged me during my tough times. I know you will be happy for me in my happy time too. Your blessing means everything to me,” concluded Vanitha.
Vanitha Vijayakumar is the daughter of actors Vijayakumar and Manjula Vijayakumar. It is to be noted that Vanitha was married to Akash for seven years from 2000 to 2007 and has a son and daughter but got divorced due to differences. She later remarried Anand Jay Rajan, a businessman from Andhra Pradesh in 2007 itself, and the couple has a daughter but they separated in 2010 due to differences.