Prime India Healthcare on its 10th Anniversary launched Prime 360 which is an integrated all in one solution for students’ health, safety and happiness requirements of today. The launch event was held at ITC Grand Chola, Chennai where Mr. George Mkondiwa, High Commissioner of The Republic of Malawi, and Dr. GD Singh, Educationist, Author, and President of Asian-African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, India graced the occasion. Many schools, educationists, franchise partners, were part of this event as well.
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Schools play an important part in today’s ecosystem and they are expected to go beyond academics to provide the overall well-being of their students. There is a pressing need that educationists are working upon to help students feel safe, nurtured, and prepare them adequately to face the world. Over the past 10 years, Prime India has been successfully running Prime School Clinics and providing Prime Assist guidance and counseling services to around 100 schools across many cities in South India fast-tracking its mission in promoting healthy, safe and happy children.