Ola launches self-drive service in Bengaluru. The app-based cab aggregator Ola has launched a self-driving service that will allow customers to rent a car for anywhere between two hours and three months. According to the Hindu, the service, Ola-Drive, claims to offer people the chance to customize their package by choosing the number hours, kilometers and fuel. At the moment, the service with a fleet of 500 cars is limited to Bengaluru, with plans for expansion to Mumbai, Delhi, and Hyderabad.
Reportedly, Ola aims to increase its fleet to 20,000 cars by 2020 and has plans to invest about $200 million into Ola-Drive. All cars will have an in-built navigation system. A 24×7 helpline will also be available for roadside assistance in the event of a car breakdown. For customer safety, Ola has an in-app emergency button and live tracking option. The user is given the option of choosing among four models of cars and also select the distance.