Vurve Signature Salon Launches Its Flagship Outlet at Numgambakkam. The salon is spread across 3600 sq.ft on one floor, and its location is amid the hip and happening couture district – Khader Nawaz Khan Road, that’s dubbed as a brand street of Chennai. Vurve Signature Salon marks the launch of its flagship store with a soiree of Masterful Hair Show by iconic star Caroline Miguel and team Vurve. Vurve Signature Salon is co-owned by Rebecca Samuel, Sushil Thomas, Manoj Samuel, Sathya Marie with over nine years of experience in the salon industry set-up and handling successful operations of 7 salons across Chennai and Bangalore.
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Relocating to its new address, this flagship salon is an ode and dedication to our clients and stylist. Growing clientele, love for art, space to express style and privacy for care, are the driving factors for the new home.
Location: No 22, 1st Floor, Khader Nawaz Khan Rd, Chennai.