The cuisine of the trading community of Tamil Nadu has over the years become one the most famous from the state. At Radisson Blu Atria, we are celebrating this flavorful cuisine of the Chettiars showcasing some of the lesser known dishes that we are sure will strike a chord with those familiar with the food
The menu ranges from dishes such as Vazhapoo Cutlet, Iyengar Parappu urandai kozhambu, Nenje elembu saaru, Devakottai Kari Sukka, Tirunelveli Halva and many more dishes that are a mix of the everyday staple and delicacies enjoyed on special occasions. So for an authentic taste of the food by the Nattukotai Chettiars, join us for the Chettinad food festival at the Tijouri
Venue: Tijouri Restaurant, Radisson Blu Atria Bengaluru
Date: Till 12th May, 2019
Timing: 7 pm to 11:30 pm
For Reservation call: 08022205205
Price: Starting from INR 1000