Chennai gets it’s first delivery girl. Jayalakshmi has donned the orange t.shirt of Swiggy’s food delivery service. After Jayalakshmi set the trend, other women are following in her footsteps. She is the mother of two girls and comes from Redhills area. She wanted a job on the go and did not want to stay put within four walls. So when the offer from Swiggy came by, she literally jumped at the offer.
Even though there were initial hiccups, she went for the training. She works from noon to 5.30 pm a timing which suits her fine. She is thus able to do justice to her role as a mother and perform well at work too. She delivers at least 10 orders a day and covers an average distance of about 120 kms. She earns a tidy sum of RS 3000/ per week. So here is one more male dominated field that women have stepped into.