Madrasa E- Arabia Anwar UI Uloom is a small town in Belagavi district of Karnataka. A mega event where 99 Muslim and Hindu couples got married in a single ceremony. There were 10 Hindu couples out of the 99. Each couple received a gifts worth about Rs 70,000/ and included a cot and bed, a refrigerator, a sewing machine, some household items and clothes. Each pair was given the liberty to invite upto 100 guests for the mass wedding. A total number of 25000 guests attended the ceremony and blessed the newly weds.
Lunch was served on the 10 acre ground at Bailwad Cross. Sheikh Ul Hadis Mohammed Hanif Loharvi of Ahmedabad inaugurated the event and expressed his gratitude to Bailhongal Madrasa for organizing the event. He commented that the mass weddings was a commendable event which should be replicated throughout the country.